Loss of muscle mass, also known as muscle atrophy, occurs when muscle fibers shrink and the overall muscle tissue decreases. This leads to weakness, fatigue, and a reduced quality of life. Some key points about muscle loss:

  • It can happen with aging, known as sarcopenia. On average, adults lose 3-5% of muscle mass per decade after age 30.
  • Lack of physical activity accelerates muscle loss. Without strength training and activity, muscle fibers shrink.
  • Illnesses like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and neurodegenerative diseases are linked to accelerated muscle loss.
  • Poor nutrition, especially inadequate protein and calories, contributes to muscle wasting.
  • Medications, including corticosteroids, can cause muscle loss as a side effect.
How can you prevent or treat loss of muscle mass? Here are some key strategies:
  • Engage in resistance training and weight-bearing exercises to build and maintain muscle. Compound lifts, HIIT workouts, even bodyweight exercises are great options.
  • Eat a high-protein diet with 0.5-0.7 grams of protein per pound of body weight daily. Get protein from meat, dairy, eggs, fish, legumes, etc.
  • Manage chronic illnesses carefully by following treatment plans. See your doctor regularly.
  • Talk to your doctor if medications may be contributing and about alternative options or dosage adjustments.
  • Supplement with vitamin D, creatine, or amino acids to potentially support muscle health.
The takeaway is that muscle loss starts insidiously but can be combated through strength and resistance training, proper nutrition (especially sufficient protein intake), trying to stay active even with illness, and having open conversations with your healthcare providers about contributing factors. Maintaining as much lean muscle mass as possible provides many health and quality of life benefits as we age. I hope this gives you a good overview of what causes loss of muscle mass and some proactive steps you can take against unwanted muscle wasting! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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